God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit
We believe we are
Created in God’s Image (Genesis 1: 27)
Educated by Jesus (John 13: 13)
Overseen by the Holy Spirit (John 16:13)
To provide assistance to people according to their needs so that no one lacks.
There was not a needy person among them, because those who were owners of land or houses were selling them, and bringing the proceeds of the sales and placing the money down at the apostles’ feet. Then it was distributed to each as anyone had need.
(Acts 4:34-35 AMP)
Core Values
Ethical - We shall conduct ourselves with integrity, and uphold the morals and values of godly character.
Faithful - We are good stewards of the resources entrusted to us with unwavering faith.
Compassionate - We strive to be understanding, caring and loving to all we come into contact with.
Empowering - We will equip people with the necessary tools to become stronger and confident in their daily living.
Servant Leaders

Tijuana Gomez
In 2003, the vision of Inner City Action Network was given to Tijuana in a dream and confirmed by many over the years. Being a single mom, working poor, compassion to help people and dependence on Christ during her trials, has prepped her for such a time as this to move the vision forward.
She believes that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. Inner City Action Network’s leaders are truly ordinary people who do extra ordinary things through Christ.
No matter what she has been through, she learned that you can’t live life without Christ and all things are possible no matter the situation, with faith. She’s been blessed with a wonderful husband, four children and fifteen grandchildren.

Toma Brown
It is a blessing for Toma to be a leader of Inner City Action Network. She accepted Jesus Christ as a child and has been a firm believer ever since; however just as seasons change so does life circumstances. It was her trust and faith in God as well as wisdom that has seen her through the challenges she faced. She never gave up on her hopes and dreams, and eventually obtained her MBA in finance which opened greater opportunities for her.
It has always been her prayer that she may see people through the eyes of Christ. With a heart of compassion, it is an honor for her to serve as an ordinary person that can do extraordinary things to help people in such a time as this.
She feels so blessed to have four children and a grandson.

Hiltza Linder
Hiltza has worked in customer service for over twenty years and as an executive secretary for ten years. Throughout this time, she learned the importance of serving and honoring Christ by being of service to others. As a leader of Inner City Action Network, she believes that God has given her a purpose and the opportunity to bless and encourage others by following His Word and pursuing ICAN’s vision of meeting the needs of people so that no one lacks.
She is married to her adoring husband of 12 years. Together they have a blended family of three children and a grandson.